Selasa, 18 Juni 2013

Blow of The Wind

Kutitip Rindu pada jarak yang terlalu terbentang
Biarlah angin yang meniupkan rasa ini sampai disisimu
Hingga kau dapat merasakan apa yang ingin ku sampaikan

Kutitip Mimpi pada jarak yang terlihat samar
Biarkan ia menghampirimu melalui hembusan angin
Hingga kau dapatiku nanti dalam mimpi yang menyata

Seakan mimpi-mimpiku itu mulai terasa dekat
Hingga satu diantaranya ingin kau wujudkan
Patut seberkas senyum aku haturkan

Saat kau dapati nanti
Hari-hari yang ingin kau lalui bersamaku
Pasti kita dapati,

Terpaannya kian kencang
Ku harap kau akan bertahan
Dengan keegoisanku 
Dengan imaji gilaku
Dengan angin yang terus berhembus diantara kita

Sabtu, 08 Juni 2013


I wanna share this text,just to remind me that we didn't live alone,still a lot of people who love us

Do you remember me, who was easily
scarred, easily cried, easily got hurt?
I’m still like that, I’m still the same
I wonder how you will be
when you see me like this

Even if you easily turn away,
easily get farther apart
I know I won’t easily forget you
If you see me, still the same, still like this
You will call me a fool

I want and want you – and one more thing
I hurt and hurt but still, just once
Even if it wears out and wears out
Even if the tears don’t dry
If only we can go back to the beginning

There are times when I despise
the moment we first faced each other
I’m like this sometimes even though
I can’t breathe if I don’t
allow myself to long for you

I want and want you – and one more thing
I hurt and hurt but still, just once
Even if it wears out and wears out
Even if the tears don’t dry
If only we can go back to the beginning

If, if you ever,
at least once, in your life
If you sometimes have days where
your heart aches because of me
If, at least once, in your life

And one more thing – remember this
Even if it’s only you, you should live properly

If, if you ever,
at least once, in your life
If you sometimes have days where
your heart aches because of me
If, at least once, in your life


Selasa, 04 Juni 2013

A Vent of My Heart

Tak ada satupun yang akan kau dapatkan dengan mudah,semua butuh proses.Ilmiahnya setiap ada aksi pasti ada reaksi.Lantas jika berdiam diri saja akankah kemudahan itu menghampirimu?tentu saja tidak,toh Tuhan sudah mewantikan kita bahwa tanpa adanya usaha kita dalam merubah diri tak akan Dia merubah dengan serta merta.Tidak ada satupun yang akan kau dapatkan tanpa pernah kau mencoba untuk menggapainya,entah itu dengan usaha sebisamu atau dengan bantuan orang lain,yang jelas sudah berusaha dan berupaya untuk menggapainya setidaknya itulah prosesnya.

Suatu ketika aku pernah mengeluh pada Tuhan saat aku melihat keadaan temanku,yang seolah hidupnya lurus-lurus saja tanpa ada aral melintangi setiap kesehariannya.Belakangan baru aku sadar bahwa hidup seperti itu hambar sama sekali tidak ada tantangan.Menyesal sudah mengeluh pada-Nya??Tidak terlalu,karena dari sana aku belajar mendekat pada-Nya,berupaya meraih cinta-Nya.Going back to my Friend.Yah dia itu anak satu-satunya,yang aku pikir semua apa yang dia inginkan akan dengan segera diberikan ya tentu oleh kedua orang tuanya,terus dia ga usaha dong Tuhan?dan pertanyaan itu yang menggelayuti benakku setiap kusadari bahwa hidupnya begitu mudah.Mungkin itu yang namanya iri,pada saat itu aku sama sekali tidak menyadari bahwa itu adalah salah satu bentuk keirian.Berusaha membanding-bandingkan keadaanku dengannya itu seperti membandingkan bulan dan langit.Kau pasti bisa menebak bahwa saat itu aku menganggap bahwa Tuhan sedikit bermain-main dengan kehidupannku,,yah kalian tidak salah menebak.

Beberapa tahun berlalu semenjak aku tak lagi duduk di bangku formal pembelajaran aku mulai bergulat dengan kerasnya kenyataan hidup,yang semakin menyadarkanku bahwa memang tidak ada yang terlalu dengan mudahnya dapat kau dapatkan.Kenyataan mengantarkanmu entah itu memandang hidup ini menjadi lebih dewasa atau malah menjadi semakin kekanakan.Aku merasa setelah mengenal kerasnya hidup menjadikanku di satu sisi dewasa sedangkan di sisi lainnya malah tambah membuatku menjadi anak kecil yang senang merajuk,entah itu pada Tuhan atau pada a pair of pie different sensation for each slice.Menyadari kepribadian ganda yang merasukiku aku semakin asik dengan kehidupan yang aku inginkan,sedikit menjauh dari lingkungan sekitar.Ini bukan berarti hidup terasing di dalam hutan tapi lebih ke menyibukanku dengan bebereapa stuff yang hanya membuat aku nyaman.

Yah tanpa diduga aku bertemu dengan orang which is tottaly new,dengan kepribadian yang unik.uhhhh mulanya sama sekali tidak terpikir untuk sejauh ini.Dari awal kemunculannya kami sangat tidak harmonis,dia sangat sensitive untuk hal-hal tertentu,begitupun aku yang bersikap seenaknya.Tetapi Tuhan masih menyatukan kami,menjadikan kami sedekat ini sebagai saudara,Thank God^^.Sampai detik aku menjejakan jari-jariku ini dia masih bersedia menjadi sahabat sekaligus kakak baru untuk ku (Terimakasih) MERCIIIIIIII Kakaku^^

Aku"Kugi Karma"

"Bukankah kebahagiaan itu kita yang rasakan,jadi suasanakan"

Jumat, 08 Maret 2013

Narative one"Parakeet king"


A parakeet king and his subjects once had their nests in a huge tall tree in one of Buliurang forest.They were always up early in the morning,usuallly before sunrise,to make ready for the flight to far-off place in search of food.Late in the evening they returned home,then stayed in their nests to rest till the next morning.This happened day after day,for such was their life.
But one bright morning th they discovered to their consternation that there was no possibility of their leaving their nests.Their wings and bodies were glued together.”why?”They wondered,but they did not get any answer.
“what can we do?”They asked each other in panic.Only the Parakeet king was calm.He said “I think somebody has come by day to snare us.A human bein  must have done this to catch us.You know we can speak,we can imitate human speech aand therefore everybody wants us in the house.This person can sell u for lots of money or he can also prepare delicious food of us for his family.”
“All right then,but how can we escape now?”Asked one bird
“Don’t worry.”The king answered.”I have an idea.This morning someone will surely come to find out whether he was successful in snaring us.When he arrives here,don’t move,lies as if dead.He will certainly think we are dead and then he will throw us to the ground.When you are on the ground,keep still and count to ninety nine.This will mean that all of us have fallen,then fly away together.Understand?”They nodded.
The king was right.A few hours later,the birds saw a boy approaching their tree.He looked upwards and saw the birds lying in their nests.
“How lucky I am!”He whispered in joy.”All of them are still in their nests!Hmm,I’ll get plenty of money.I can buy fine clothes and something for my parents.”It was this boy called Anthony,who had put lime in the nests to catch the birds.Full of expectation,h climbed up the tree but great was his dis appoinment on discovering that all the creatures were dead.
“Unlucky me!”He cried.Annoyed at the sad discovery,he flung all of them one by one to the ground.The parakeet king’s nest was on the highest branch of the tree and therefore the king was the last to be throen to the ground.But just as the boy was about to throw the bird down,his knife fell out of his pocket.The sound of its fall caused the birds on the ground tothink that their number was complete,and therefore they all fleew away at the same moment.The birds,as well as Anthony,were surprised,the birds on discovering that their king was not in their group and Anthony of finding that the birds were not really dead at all.Now he realizdd that the birds had played a trick upon him.
“How stupid I am!”He grumbled.”But never mind,another time I’llbe lucky.”While he was standing under the tree h noticed a bird fell down at teh lower branch of a nearby tree.The bird couldn’t fly away as there was still lime on his wings and legs which held him fast to the branch.Time after time he attempted to get loose,but in vain.
“Well!”Anthony thouight,”It is the parakeet king,how beautifull he looks!”Anhtony stealthily approached the bird and in one moment he got hold of his legs.Al;though the parakeet struggled to get free,he could not,for the grasp of the boy’s hand was too firm for the little bird.
“Poor me!”Lamented the unlucky creature.”This boy will prepare a delicious meal of me for his family.”
Anthony took the bird home.But on the way the bird suddenly spoke to him,”Please don’t kill me.I’ll bring you much wealth and happiness.”
“Can i trust you?”
“You’ll see,just let me live,”The parakeet king answered.
On arriving home Anthony the put he bird in a beuautiful yelloow cage and hung it on the front of his house.There every morning he sang his lovely song to the great enjoyment af all around.His subject too had heard him and they flew tot he house,sitting on the ridge of the roof.Soon the beauty and the mekpdious voice of the small creature became known all through the land.People came from every corner of the country to see and hear the bird sing,bringing with them noce food,money and fine clothes for Anthony.Soon Anthony became a wealthy man and didn’t having trusted the bird.
The fane of the bird also reached the king’s eara.He too wanted to see the bird and hear him sing.Thererfore a messenger was sent from the court to Anthony with instruction to come to the place of the king,bringing the bird with him.This was a great day for Anthony.He put on his best clothes and mad for the palace,carrying the bird in a beutiful,brand new cage.On his arrival at the palace gate,a courtier met him and took him into the presence of the king.The latter was already sitting with other guests in the big hall where the bird was to sing.
High and low,loud and soft,sounded the melodious voice,as clear as a bell,that came from the bird’s throat.The king and the aydience were very pleased.
“No instrument whatsoevr could surpass that heavenly voice,”Thet said.
After the performance Anthony was asked to sell the bird to the king.As he himslef was eager to keep the bird,he hesistated but the bird whispered to him”Don’t be afraid,please sekk me to the king.You won’t regret it,it will be to your advantage.”Up to that moment t
E bird hadn’t disappointed him,so why not trust in this time?Therefore Anthony presented the parakeet to the king.In return he received a great amount of money,besides valuable presents.From that time on,Anthony was the wealthiest man in the village.
At the royal court the parakeet king lived a truly kingly life.His cage was made of gold and his food was delicious.Nevertheless,a gold cage was no match for life of freedom in the forest.He pined for his subjects.Flying together with them in the air to far off place was the life he desired,this would sham death and this de did one bright morning.he lay at te bottom of his cage,making no movement whatsoever.Thw keepere thought he was dead.Hearing about the death of the beloved bird,the king was filled with sadness.He stood near the cage with tears running down his cheeks.
“Dear bird,I’ll never hear your voice again,”He whispered.Then he ordered a stately burial for the bird in the palace garden,which was full of beautiful flowers.However,when the bird was laid on the ground while the grave was being dug,all of a sudden he spread his wings and flew high into the sky,out of reach of all those present.
“Free!”Shouted the parakeet king in joy,as he looked for his subjects in order to live happily with them in the forest.
Finally he can regain his freedom and flew away whereever he wants to go.He met with his subjects again and did fly togehter,they built  beautiful nests as a king.

Rabu, 06 Maret 2013

Truly Madly Deeply

 Again one lyrick inspire me to write down here,ok tonight I feel so reliefe just want to lie down while write this note,i don't care who will read or just ignore this,,really don't care.Just I try to amuse my self yes yes I'm here atleast still breathing,no matter what happen just life my live be calm Down Enov.
This song performed by Seven Garden,I like this song since i heard it on radio forgot when but  really in love with this,So have fun my self with this lyrick...Ok Enov Ciayo^^

Truly Madly Deeply
Seven Garden

I'll be your dream I'll be your wish
I'll be your fantasy
I'll be your hope I'll be your love
Be everything that you need
I'll love you more with every breath
Truly, madly, deeply do
I will be strong I will be faithful 'cause I'm counting on

A new beginning
A reason for living
A deeper meaning

I want to stand with you on a mountain
I want to bathe with you in the sea
I want to lay like this forever
Until the sky falls down on me

And when the stars are shining brightly in the velvet sky,
I'll make a wish to send it to heaven
Then make you want to cry
The tears of joy for all the pleasure in the certainty
That we're surrounded by the comfort and protection of
The highest powers
In lonely hours
The tears devour you
I want to stand with you on a mountain
I want to bathe with you in the sea
I want to lay like this forever
Until the sky falls down on me
Oh can you see it baby?
You don't have to close your eyes
'Cause its standing right here before you
All that you need will surely come

I'll be your dream I'll be your wish
I'll be your fantasy
I'll be you hope I'll be your love
Be everything that you need
I'll love you more with every breath
Truly, madly deeply do

I want to stand with you on a mountain
I want to bathe with you in the sea
I want to lay like this forever
Until the sky falls down on me

"Yes I wanna stand with you on a mountain,but i don't know who wants to live with me on a mountain,ahahaha silly Enov,and where is the mountain that I will live?"
so Enjoy this video too seven garden truly madly deeply

Selasa, 05 Maret 2013

Dear Dutchman

  I'm sorry Swift I borrow Your lyrick,This is for my Dutchman,,,,Ahahahahah

Bit silly but I like to retype this Song in my version^^


Dear Frank

Long were the nights
Malam-malam terasa lama
When my days once revolved around you
Saat hari-hari kulewati bersamamu
Counting my footsteps
Menghitung langkah kakiku
Praying the floor won't fall through again
Berdoa semoga lantai takkan goyah lagi
My mother accused me of losing my mind
Ibuku menuduh aku tlah gila
But I swore... I was fine
Tapi, sumpah... aku baik-baik saja

You paint me a blue sky and go back and turn it to rain
Untukku kau lukis langit biru dan kembali dan mengubahnya jadi hujan
And I lived in your chess game
Dan aku hidup dalam permainan caturmu
But you changed the rules every day
Tapi kau ubah aturan setiap hari
Wondering which version of you
Bertanya-tanya dirimu yang seperti apa
I might get on the Skype... tonight
Yang kuajak bicara di skype... malam ini
Well I stopped picking up
Aku berhenti mengangkatnya
And this song is to let you know why
Dan lagu ini kuciptakan agar kau tahu sebabnya
 Dear Frank
Frank sayang,
I see it all now that you're gone
Kini kutahu kau tlah pergi
Don't you think I was too young to be messed with?
Tidakkah kau berpikir aku terlalu muda tuk dipermainkan?
The girl in the dress cried the whole, way, home
Gadis bergaun ini menangis sepanjang jalan
I shoulda known
Harusnya aku tahu

Well maybe it's me and my blind optimism to blame
Mungkin aku dan optimisme butaku yang patut disalahkan
Or maybe it's you and your sick need to give love then take it away
Atau mungkin dirimu dan kegilaanmu tuk berikan cinta dan lalu mengambilnya
And you'll add my name to your long list of traitors who don't understand
Dan kau kan tambahkan namaku pada daftar pengkhianat yang tak mengerti
And I'll look back in regret oh I ignored when they said
Dan aku kan mengenang kembali sambil menyesal oh aku acuh saat mereka bilang
"Run as fast as you can"
"Larilah secepat mungkin"

Dear Frank,
  Frank Sayang
I see it all now it was wrong
Kini kutahu semua itu salah
Don't you think 22 is too young to be played
Tidakkah kau pikir usia 22 terlalu muda tuk dipermainkan
by your dark twisted games when I loved you so?
Dengan permainanmu yang gelap dan berliku saat aku begitu mencintaimu?

I shoulda known
Harusnya aku tahu

You are an expert at sorry and keeping lines blurry
Engkau pintar meminta maaf dan menutupi segalanya
And never impressed by me acing your tests
Dan tak pernah terkesan olehku yang lulus tesmu
All the girls that you run dry have tired, lifeless eyes
Semua gadis yang kau curangi telah lelah, matanya sedih
cause you burned them out
Karena kau tlah luluhlantakkan mereka

But I took your matches before fire could catch me
Tapi kuambil korek apimu sebelum api membakarku
So don't look now
Jadi jangan lihat sekarang
I'm shining like fireworks over your sad empty town
Aku bersinar terang seperti kembang apa di atas kotamu yang hampa

I see it all now that you're gone.
Kini kutahu kau tlah pergi
Don't you think I was too young to be messed with?
Tidakkah kau pikir aku terlalu mudah tuk dipermainkan?
The girl in the dress wrote you a song
Gadis bergaun ini menulis lagu untukmu

You shoulda known
Harusnya kau tahu
You shoulda known
Harusnya kau tahu

Don't you think I was too young?
Tidakkah kau pikir aku terlalu muda?

You shoulda known
Harusnya kau tahu